Ugh. I’ve grown to hate this site. It’s not that cute, and it loads weirdly, and I’m sure it’s only visible in .05% of browsers, and, also, the content really sucks. Especially my portfolio, which has a fun little Javascript thing going on, but, seriously, lol at the designs i included in there.
It’s not like anyone visits this site, because I’m not active in the website-y community like I once was, but on the rare occasion that someone does end up coming here, I’m kind of embarrassed that this is what they judge my skillz on. Especially because I really did not test the site out in many browsers/resolutions/whatever, so I’m really paranoid that it looks dreadful elsewhere.
So if you do happen to be reading this, I swear I’m not as lame as my site is!
Maybe I should just put up a 2002 version of this site with the cheesy content and fugly layout and everything. Or, you know, redesign the site so it’s something worthwhile. I’ve just had zero web design inspiration lately, and my HTML skills haven’t really progressed at all in the past seven years, and I have no idea what’s ~trendy~ anymore, so, yeah. Bleh.